Cool beans

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sometimes I thank God.....

For unanswered prayers. This song has a whole new meaning to me. When I was dating Matt, I knew this was the guy I was going to marry, I was so comfortable around him, he knew more about me than I knew myself. I didn't even care to look at any other guys when I was with him. He was my world, it was LOVE and nothing could change that. I prayed and prayed about if he was the right guy for me. And I would never get an answer. And if I did, it wasn't the one I wanted. I pretty much told God "Im marrying him no matter what so please give me your approval" I learned the hard way that God doesnt negotiate on these things. haha. Well when we broke up I prayed again daily that he would text me, and again. Nothing. Well let me just tell you, God is a VERY smart man. He knew I wouldnt be able to handle it, even when he texted me MONTHS after the breakup it hurt. I prayed that we'd get back together. Where would I be if I had gotten back with him? Probably NOT worthy to go to the temple. Probably not as happy as I am right now. I'll admit I had a VERY hard first couple of months, breakups are never easy.I always wondered "If God really loved me, Why would he let this happen? Why is he letting his little girl hurt so much? Well how was God supposed to help me when I didnt ask for it? If I had married Matt, it wouldnt have been in the temple. That is my dream. I can't believe I considered giving it up for him.

Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when youre talkin to the man upstairs
That just because he doesnt answer doesnt mean he dont care
Some of gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.

Friday, March 20, 2009

:::Update on Indiana:::

My boss, Phils grand daughter that had a stroke got to go home last night. They said it looks like the blood is starting to flow to the part of her brain that it wasn't flowing to before. Isn't that proof that miracles do happen? On Tuesday I fasted and prayed my heart out for this little girl, i've never even met before. Why you might ask, because I knew it's what I needed to do to help. It was all I could do. It was easy. I'm not saying that my fasting and prayers caused this little girl to start to heal, it sure didn't make things worse. She's not 100 percent healed. But she's home and happy with her family. They still won't know the extent of the damage until she starts to develop more. They are trying to help her use her left side more and more so it gets developed as quickly as the right. Things are definitely looking up. Phil got to hold her the other night for about an hour and she used her left arm to scratch her head. They didnt know if she was gonna be able to move her left side very well. Miracles people. Miracles. Keep them in your prayers that she will be able to continue to heal and lead as much as a normal life as possible. Brant made me laugh pretty hard. He said "Its like a birth defect almost. We all have them, Mine happens to be my good looks. I mean look at me!" I almost toppled over from laughter. Brant is Phils son in case you were wondering how that tied in.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I hate the dentist...

So I have to go to the dentist today, I thought if I make the appointment during the afternoon then I will miss half the day of work and I'll be so excited to leave I won't get nervous for the dentist. So I made the appointment for 1:30 today. And as I AM excited to leave work. Im terrified. I have to get a crown and a few feelings. And im WAY nervous. I hate going without my mom. It makes me feel WAY too grown up. I miss the days when I got the laughing gas, and my mommy held my hand while I got the shot. And she'd try to distract me from the sound of the drill. I still get the chills everytime he starts up the drill, and now I have nothing to rely on besides my ipod. Which I forgot today. So I guess for the next 3 hours I get to try to relax to the sound of a drill!

Monday, March 16, 2009

A day in the life

So I hung out with a bunch of friends friday night, we decided we weer gonna go sledding so we headed up the mountain. We ended up at snowbird, we were going to sled down the snowboarding slopes i guess. So we start changing into our snow clothes and getting the tubes ready, than the cops came to inform us how stupid we were, how illegal it is to do that, as well as the high avalanch danger at that moment. So we decided to leave. On the way back to town we stopped at some lookout thing, and the cops were there busting a rave. So we got to chat with some more cops. Very entertaining night! HAHA!

Also, Phil, Our shop manager and one of the best friends you could ever ask for! His daughter had a baby this weekend and somewhere during the c-section the baby had a stroke. Im not exactly sure how it effected her, just that her left side will probably be a little weaker than the right. Please keep his family in your prayers. I love you Phil!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So bored!

So im bored at work, thought i'd take a second and blog about what has happened between Sunday and today. Which is basically nothing. Haha. Today one of my friends texted me and asked if I was watching the Jazz game with Brendan tonight. My response " I WISH! No, I only see him on the weekends!" Honestly I HATE that. I get that were not like boyfriend girlfriend or whatever but how are we supposed to get to know eachother when I only see him once a week, if I'm lucky! So i dunno anymore. I've tried everything I can do. Im not gonna be his stalker by any means. I just want to know what he's thinking ya know! There's also another guy. But im not gonna blog about him on here for personal reasons ;)

Sunday, March 8, 2009


So as mentioned in my previous note, I went on a date with a REALLY cute RM last Saturday. At the end of the night I really didn't think he liked me. I'm still really confused about that part ha ha. Well Monday night he was gonna text me after work, so when he didn't i figured okay, he doesn't like me now i know and I can date other guys. Well Thursday I went and got my nails done and went bowling with Rach,Casey,Patch, and Lady. While we were there Brendan texted me. Just to see how I was and such. Which is when all the confusion started AGAIN. So we talked for a bit and he invited me to hang out with his buddies on Friday night. So I figure what the heck I'll go. Should be fun right? Well he said he'd call me when he was on his way over there. Should be around 7:30. Well about 745 he calls me and says hes running late and will call me when he gets to Spencers house, he just wanted me to know he didn't forget about me :) well finally around 930 he calls me and tells me to come over to spencers. So I do and its just us 3 for about 10 minutes. Than Derek shows up and wants us to go to Johns apartment. So we head over there and meet up with some more friends. There were a bunch of girls. One of them (the one that Brendan referred to as "One of the guys") bugged the crap outta me she NEVER left his side. Well finally he came and sat next to me on the couch. But I didn't like her! LOL. So at the beginning of the night though, he let me have front and opened the door for me and everything Do you do that for just a friend? I really don't know! But at the end of the night I was freezing so I ran to the car and he didn't open the door. The night ended with another hug. But he hugged the other chick too. SO I dunno anymore. HELP lol.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Saturday Night.

So on Saturday Night I went on a triple date with some guys in the ward. My date was Brendan McCarty. He was so nice. Not to mention REALLY cute! We tripled with Matthew,Brandi,Spencer, and Steph. I like Matt and Brandi ALOT. I wasnt a huge fan of Spencers girlfriend but he was funny! Brendan was a total gentlman the whole night. He opened doors, pulled out chairs. Everything. He picked me up at about 5 and we started off the night by going to Training Table for dinner, which was YUMMY! We sat and chatted there for about an hour and a half. Than we headed to the Energy Solutions Arena to watch the Jazz game. It was SO good!! Some very intense moments for sure! After the game I was starting to get a little bit tired,after all my bedtime is like 9! LOL. But we decided to go back to Spencers house and play games. Brendan thought it was a good idea to shoot the potato cannon just to show me he could i guess. It was pretty cool, i was a little nervous so I hid behind him. haha. Than we played balderdash. Than at about 11 or so, Matt and his girlfriend left. Since we carpooled with them i figured we'd be leaving too. Brendan asked if I wanted to stay and watch a movie with Spence and his girl. I didnt wanna say goodnight quite yet because I was having a blast, so i figured what the heck! So then Spencer decided he wanted food so we made a junk food run at about midnight to Smiths. By the time we got back and started back to the future, it was 1230. Than at about 145 Spencer decided since the girls kept dozing off it was time to call it a night. So he dropped me off at 145 and Brendan walked me to the door and hugged me, than a few minutes after I walked in the door I had a message from him. I dont know if that means he likes me or what, I sure hope so though! This week he invited me to play capture the flag with him and his buddies, so that will be FUN!