Cool beans

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So on Sunday November 15th 2009 Nick proposed to me. Finally ;). We went for a drive up to the hill where we met (Which is where I wanted him to propose)(he doesnt know that though) And I sat on his lap and he handed me this letter, it talked about how much he loves me and how since the hill is where we started our journey together this is where our next chapter should begin. At the end of the note it said "P.S Check your phone!" So i look at my phone and there are probably 10 messages that say ""Say yes"" and one from Darren that said"Say hell yes"I looked up and he was on one knee, tears in his eyes, he asked "Will you marry me?" I couldnt breathe, i was SO excited! I just kept kissing him. I dont think I've given him an answer yet LOL. Yesterday I called the temple and set our date. April 22nd 2010. At 10:20 am I will marry my best friend. This boy has changed me for the better in SO many ways. He is my reason for breathing. He makes me laugh when I feel like crying. I told him yesterday how I was ALREADY stressing out about planning this wedding, and he said "At the end of the day all that matters is im gonna be sealed to you forever" That hit me so hard. All the stresses went away. I dont have to have some big elegant wedding, I WANT it. So I have to deal with the stress that comes with it. The most important thing about that day is that from then on, its me and him. We will be married for time and all eternity. I cant wait. Im SO lucky. Rachel has a picture of the temple in her family room that i am in LOVE with. Im trying to find one. Its the Salt Lake Temple and in the upper left hand corner it reads "The Salt Lake Temple" In the lower right hand side it says "Where families are made forever" How cool is that? Just knowing I get to be with my family forever. That I get to be with Nicholas FOREVER. Forever surely won't be long enough.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sounds like life to me....

Have you ever had one of those days, you know, the days when you think you have the HARDEST life in the world. Where nothing goes right, nothing is fair. Nobody could possibly have it worse than you? I was having one of those days last week when this song came on the radio. its by Darryl Worley and it talks about this guy who is talking to a friend about life. His friend mentions how there car is falling apart, and the washer is broken, he had to put his mom in a nursing home, plus his baby is teething. His friend responded with this: "Sounds like life to me, ain't no fantasy. Just a common case of everyday reality. Yeah I know its tough, but you gotta suck it up. To hear ya talk your caught up in some tragedy. Sounds like life to me." His friend gets angry and tells him he doesn't understand. 3 kids and a wife depend on him. and he's just one man. to top it off he just found out his wife is 2 months late. again his friend responds "Sounds like life to me, plain old destiny. the only thing for certain is uncertainty. You've gotta hold on tight. Just enjoy the ride. Get used to all this unpredictability. Sounds like life to me."
Too many times I've sat there and thought I had the hardest life in the world. That these trials aren't fair. But you've got to look at the BIG picture. God never said life would be easy, or fair. His promise "It will be worth it." There are somethings in life that make it worth it. Family, and friends, the gospel. Often we think about the things that make it almost seem NOT worth it. School, work, bills, bullies, illness,etc. When all the bad things add up it seems like there is no reciprocation for all our hard work. We work full time, go to school, and right when were about to make ends meet, the ends move. But just like this song states, that's how life is. And you just have to hold on tight and enjoy the ride.