Cool beans

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Wedding Pictures :)

So im posting my wedding pictures on facebook. And it just makes me realize what an INCREDIBLE support group Nick and I have. We had SO many people come to the temple to support us. Even those that couldnt go to the ceremony. It meant SO much to walk out and see you there. I feel so blessed to have such amazing friends and family! I cant even describe how amazing it was to have 2/3 of my siblings there and their amazing spouses. I love them all so much. Thank goodness for eternal families :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

All Because Two People Fell In Love

Nick and I have been Married 1 month today. Married life really is the best thing ever. Everyone makes it out to be a fairytale, and although there are some struggles, id have to agree that its as close to a fairytale as I've EVER been :) Its been SO much fun getting all my stuff situated, and going through our wedding gifts. I get to decorate my own house now. Im so excited! And as for the wedding gifts, I PROMISE im sending out Thank You notes TOMORROW. Or not. Hopefully though....

I have been so blessed with some pretty amazing people in my life. i have the greatest family in the world. I love spending time with them as often as possible.
Lately, Jaynee and I have developed a wonderful relationship (friends Jane, FRIENDS) She is such an amazing example to me. She's strong, smart, brave, and beautiful! She always has a smile on her face even when you KNOW she's struggling. She is like superwoman i swear....

Since its mothers day I just wanted to tell everyone what an incredible woman my mom is. She is so strong, and perfect in everyway. She works a million hours a day, and still finds time to call or text to make sure her kids are safe (were all grown and married) and have dinner on the table for my dad. She is such an amazing example to me. She is the one person i can always turn to that will ALWAYS understand me. She is my hero. I dont think she hears it enough, but mom: I love you more than words can express and am SO grateful God put you in my life as my mother. I cant think of a better mother, a better example. We may not always get along, but at the end of the day, you are my VERY best friend in the world. I love you!