Cool beans

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby!! (Kinda Late)

So on January 11th Nick turned 25 years old. For his birthday, he got snowboarding clothes :) its his newest obsession and he's actually REALLY good at it. (And he looks really hot doing it. Just saying!) And my daddy helped me make him a steak dinner. Then we just lounged for a lil bit and watched a movie. Than did ice cream and cake with my family.

It seems to be a popular thing to list things about them. So since he's 25 im gonna try to think of 25 reasons I love him ;)

1. He makes me feel like the most important person in the world.

2. He has gorgeous blue eyes.

3.He has the perfect smile.

4.He smells really good.

5.He knows all my ticklish spots and always uses them when im grumpy.

6. He holds me when i'm sick.

7. He understands that I don't feel good ALOT. And he still wants to be with me.

8. He is SUCH a hard worker.

9. He's a REALLY good kisser ;)

10. He is such a caring person.

11. He drops everything for me.

12. He always has these dorky arguments with me that I love and he probably hates about who loves who more.

13. He gets along with my family.

14. He's a hardcore mama's boy!

15. He is actually pursuing his education so I can be a stay at home mom at some point!

16. He's taking less classes next semester so I can go full time.

17. He believes in me.

18. He loves me.

19. He isnt afraid to kiss me in front of his friends.

20. He always wants to show me off.

21. He is SMOKING hot!

22. He is as close to his family as I am to mine.

23. He can't wait to be a daddy.

24. He's gonna be a KILLER daddy.

25. He's perfect!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sometimes, you just need to hear this song...

Right now I have a prayer deep within my heart.
A prayer for each of you there is a special part
That you remember who you are and Him who lives above
Please seek for Him and live His way;
You'll feel His love.
Walk tall you're a daughter, a child of God.
Be strong, please remember who you are.
Try to understand, you're part of His great plan.
He's closer than you know, reach up,He'll take your hand.
Long before the time you can remember,
Our father held you in His arms so tender.
Those loving arms released you as He sent you down to earth.
He said, "My child, I love you,don't forget your great worth."
This life on earth we knew would not be easy.
At times we lose our way, His path we may not see.
But please remember, always, please, that you are not alone.
He'll take your hand, He loves you.
He will guide you home.

Walk tall you're a daughter, a child of God.
Be strong, please remember who you are.
Try to understand, you're part of His great plan.
He's closer than you know, reach up, He'll take your hand.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years Resolutions....

I thought this year I would post some of my resolutions on here, so MAYBE I'd actually do them! haha. Here we go:
1. Read the BOM
2. Stay worthy to enter the temple.
3. Go to the temple EVERY month with my Husband and our families.
4. Make Nick smile EVERYDAY.
5. Be the best Wife I can be.
6. Go to church EVERY Sunday (Were going with my parents 2 days after our wedding since we dont leave on our honeymoon til monday)
7. Save my money
8. Pay my tithing on time EVERY month.
9. Be a happier person.
10.Eat healthier.
These are my resolutions this year. Hopefully I can stay with them!

My wedding is fast approaching and I have yet to plan ANYTHING. I just want forever to start already. I can't wait to spend forever with him. It wont be long enough.