Cool beans

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Near Death Experience ;)

So the other night my dad and I had 2 wedding receptions to go to. One of them, Tashina's, was down town, it was POURING rain. We were heading home from that one and we were pulling off the 2100 south freeway on to bangerter, all the sudden my dad started saying "Oh crap oh crap oh crap!" I had no idea what was going on, he was driving, so I thought he was gonna puke or something lol. Than all of the sudden we lost control, I have NO Idea how we miss the cement barrier, or how we didnt roll down the hill. All I remember is closing my eyes, curling up into a ball, and SCREAMING! I was terrified, my heart was pounding. When we came to a stop we were facing the wrong direction in a field. Luckily no cars were behind us or it could've been UGLY. Someone is definitely looking out for me. I have been SO blessed. I told my dad someone was looking out for us. We could've very easily totalled his truck. I think I cried most the way home lol. My poor daddy will never live it down :)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

If at first you don't succeed...

Maybe failing is your thing?
I've been thinking about my life alot lately. And some of the thoughts I have depress and scare the Shiz outta me.
I'm gonna be 20 years old next week, as if this thought alone isn't scary enough, what have I accomplished in 20 years? I BARELY graduated, I've made my parents lives much harder than the probably needed to be. I've made SO many big mistakes with my life. Sometimes i've even wondered if maybe I've strayed too far?
Now on to the positive thinking part :)
I did graduate high school
Im pursuing a degree in nursing
I've NEVER heard my parents tell me they are disappointed in me. I've worked SO hard to never hear these words!
I've found a best friend in my sister.
I've held my job for a year and a half(and going strong)
I'm an active member of the ONLY true church. I love my Calling AND the Gospel. I have no idea where I'd be without it.
I'm REALLY happy.
I've developed MUCH closer relationships with my family.
These 3 are my Rocks. They are the 3 people in my life that I can trust 110% I love them SO much!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Count your many blessings...

So I recently broke up with my boyfriend and at first I was totally okay with it. Than when I found out that he was gonna start dating someone else, it HURT. I was devestated. I didn't want him to date other people. I was talking to him this morning because He is one of my best friends, i never wanna lose him. And he told me I had so much to be grateful for. I thought "Yea, the guy im freaking crazy about is dating another girl, my life rocks, NOT" then he listed a few things and it hit me HARD. I have an AWESOME family, some pretty sweet friends, not to mention i have the gospel in my life. Thats all i need. I dont need to have a boyfriend to be happy.
Can I just tell you how much I love my cousin Jaynee. She is such a beautiful and strong girl. Any guy that gets a chance to get within 10 feet of her is lucky. Me and Jaynee havent always been as close as we are today, we used to dislike eachother, but once we started hanging out, she quickly became my best friend. She's the one person I know will NEVER turn her back on me. She knows EXACTLY what im going through, and even when Im a hideous beast, she still tolerates me. She is such a beautiful girl. She has been through SO much and still has a smile on her face. She is so happy, and fun to be around, she can make anybody smile. She always knows when im having a bad day and she texts me something funny. I love her so stinking much and am VERY grateful to have her in my life.